TIP: Video Will Help Your Site Get More Search Links
Video Will Help Your Site Get More Search Links
By Sara Oberst, Manta Vice President of Marketing – February 22, 2016

The content on your website is the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising. According to Manta’s Academy course “SEO Basics,” when customers find your content interesting and share it with others, your site’s search ranking will improve. And higher placement on search engines boosts web traffic—and sales for your business.
But to take full advantage of these search results, your website needs to include more than blog articles or written descriptions of your business. Google results pages also include YouTube videos and photos from Google Images—so, more videos and photos on your site means more search links.
According to Search Engine Land, 85% of Google searches yield pages that blend results from affiliated search engines like Google Images, Google Maps or Google News into its web search listings. And, as ReelSEO reports, video content appears for around 55% of user queries. Not surprisingly, more than 82% of those video results are YouTube videos.
If you think your website is optimized for search, you may need to pause and think again. If you are not using properly tagged images on all of your site’s pages, or if you don’t have videos on your site and don’t think you need a YouTube channel, you’re missing out on an opportunity to acquire more than one link on the search engine result pages that are critical to driving leads to your business.
To learn more about digital marketing, visit The Academy, Manta’s free educational hub for small business owners.