TIP: Mobile Websites: What Are Customers Looking For?
Mobile Websites: What Are Customers Looking For?
By Karen Vujnovic, Manta Staff Writer – November 23, 2015

Mobile search is on the rise so don’t make customers dig for your digits. Or scroll too far to find your address. Websites that are not mobile-friendly cause customers to cringe and bounce faster than a jackrabbit to the next site, so keep your vital info near the top (phone number, address, hours) and make sure it looks great on a phone.
“It’s important for small businesses to understand what their mobile users are trying to accomplish,” explained Jordan Kasteler, director of SEO for MWI. “Mobile users are often looking for contact info, menus, ordering options and pricing when visiting your site on mobile. It’s important that small business sites deliver this info upfront and load fast for mobile users.”
User experience on mobile devices is essential to keeping customers happy. Top-notch usability should be a priority, so if your website still isn’t optimized to work on smartphones and tablets, it’s time to make a change.