TIP: Finding Content Ideas When You Don’t Know What to Write
Finding Content Ideas When You Don’t Know What to Write
By Jared Carrizales, Heroic Search – December 16, 2015

When your hands are full running a small business the last thing you’re probably asking yourself is, “What am I going to blog about this week?” But as the due date inches closer and ideas are running on empty, panic sets in. Does this scenario sound all too familiar? No worries, this tip can help. Below are three ways to come up with great content ideas quickly.
Quora: This is an exceptional outlet when it comes to intellect. I’m constantly amazed by the smarts displayed by the participants. Simply sign up for an account, then follow accounts (or categories) that are of interest. Within a few minutes of browsing, content ideas will start flowing like a river.
Pinterest: You don’t need to be in a visually oriented niche to utilize this site. There are Pinterest boards about plumbing, fishing, taxis, and even roofers that are full of writing inspiration.
Twitter Search: This tactic is probably my favorite. I’ve written about how to generate leads from Twitter previously, but since these are content ideas, you’re going to have to think outside the box a bit. For instance, since Heroic Search focuses on search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing, searches like this would be perfect:
- Content ideas “marketing”.
- Content ideas “SEO”.
- Brainstorm content “advertising”.
There are tons of ways to generate new content ideas when you’re running on fumes. Have you found any others that I’ve forgotten? Let me know!
Jared Carrizales is the founder of Heroic Search, an online marketing company that specializes in content marketing. They also provide SEO and digital PR services for clients in many different types of verticals. In his off-time, Jared enjoys playing tennis, volleyball and skating.